An insightful interview with Jordan Peterson, in which we dive into the often misunderstood the psychology of the creative mind. Expect to learn:
- What’s different in creative people’s mind?
- Why is it both a blessing and a curse?
- Why do Canadians paint their houses in a boring beige colour?
- What is the connection between childhood trauma, genius, intelligence and mental illness?
- Why does creativity need problems and restrictions to develop?
- Why creativity is impossible to train but easy to crush?
- How do schools and organizations kill creativity?
- What’s does creativity have to do with chaos vs. order and conservatives vs. artists?
- Why do creative people are rarely wealthy?
- Why if you paint a cebra it gets eaten by lions? What does it have to do with the failure of creative people?
Also, Dr. Rober Bilder discusses whether mental illness is associated with greater creativity: