Effective transformation 

Effective transformation

 Conventional training or consulting  is fine, but it is a poor substitute for the real transformation of people, teams and companies.

From ReviTalent   we challenge the traditional model of training and consulting. Instead we focus on  transformation projects  to generate real and significant improvements in the people and companies we work with.  

To do this, we propose comprehensive projects in which processes, contents, people, tools and methodologies combine with a clear purpose: to transform the reality of the client in three levels:

  • Leaders and professionals (individual level)
  • Synergistic teams (team level) 
  • Transforganization (organization level) 

Leaders and professionals



The Leaders' Path - Comprehensive and Structured Leadership Development

Leadership training, as we know it, simply  doesn’t work. Pupils don’t consistently improve their behaviors in their reality. Leadership    requires a comprehensive learning process.. 

The leaders’ path  is the unique and radical leadership and skills program with:

  • Guaranteed success
  • Personal trainer
  • Flat rate

Work  process:

The result? When we have been able to measure skills before and after the itinerary, the participants’ environment recognizes an average 12% improvement in their management skills. In fact, we are so convinced and committed that we link a portion of our fees to success.

Integrated developer - In-company expert with efficient and flexible packs

The development of professionals in companies is quite ineffective (doubtful results and transfer)  and inefficient  (in cost and time of management) for customers and suppliers.

But… what if we turn inefficiency into shared value? Our proposal:  let’s move from training to trans-forming  with an integrated development expert in your company:

  • Development expert in and for your business
  • Relationship of trust and mutual gain
  • Focus on real application
  • Integration of development services (training, coaching, mentoring, evaluation and HR consulting)
  • Applicable in ReviTalent’s comprehensive development programs or other company-specific development plans  
  • Flexible and efficient pre-hired packs, combining training with “extra” days
  • Services and dates to be agreed  with the customer
  • Actual commitment: 20% of turnover linked to results  or satisfaction
  • Several packs according to the required dedication, with volume savings of up to 30%.





Resident mentoring/ coaching - focus on the real application

Coaching and mentoring are high-impact development methodologies  regarding transfer to the workplace, but still have little implementation for various economic, psychological and organizational reasons.

That’s why we propose resident mentoring/coaching packs in your company, with a 20% discount vs. isolated sessions or processes. They include 10 full in-company days in which to schedule up to 5 sessions.

  • Enjoy your own coach/mentor, expert in your organization and its leaders
  • Complement your training programs and strengthen the  application to the workplace
  • Train leaders in their day-to-day challenges and address individual needs 
  • Packs of 10 full days (up to 50 sessions) with a   20% discount.   (Packs not  cumulative  to  other  offers  or programs.) 

Now your company can afford coaching or mentoring!

Human factor assessment (skills, personality, climate)

Individual talent

 The quality of managers has a clear impact on business outcomes and the work environment. To improve it, you have to start by measuring it.  

That’s why we measure different aspects (personality, competencies and skills, etc.) using different tools such as the Behavoural Evidence Interview, multisource online measurement (180º / 360º, or assessment center.

360º leadership skills assessment

 The 360º Assessment collects information on intangibles that are difficult to measure, asking the perception of those who have direct contact with the assessed person, so that he can compare it with his own and help in his personal and professional development.

The report will analyze various leadership  skills (24 according to the ReviTalent model, or the customer’s competencies), as well as the influence of those skills on the management process and on the results perceived by their environment.

It allows to compare self-perception with perception (aggregated and anonymous) from each of the points of view of your environment (boss, collaborators, collateral, others).

In addition, it focuses on best and worst valued skills, detailing current level behaviors and recommendations for improve it.

It also allows you to complement quantitative information with qualitative texts for a better understanding.

Personality assessment applied to the professional environment

Cómo somos influye en lo que hacemos. El autoconocimiento basado en los Big Five (el modelo más sólido y reputado en psicometría) es la mejor base en la que cimentar el desarrollo de habilidades y la cohesión de los equipos. Sobre todo, cuando puedes comparar cómo te ves y cómo te ven.

Los cinco rasgos o factores principales de la personalidad se suelen denominar:

  • O (Openness to new experiences)
  • C (Conscientiousness or Responsibility)
  • E (Extraversion vs. extroversion)
  • A (Agreeableness or kindness)
  • N (Neuroticism)

Our application of the Big Five model is unique because:

  • It uses the personality model with the best psychometric characteristics.
  • Unique  360º work personality test, compares self-perception with environment perception 
  • Includes and outperforms other personality or motivation models, such as MMPI or McClelland.
  • It complements and often explains the skills and competencies.
  • Speed and ease of use: About 5 minutes on our online platform
  • Facilitates and improves person-job adequacy

 Working climate (in a team / in the organization)

More and more organizations are equipped with a “sensory system” that allows them to know the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of their members with different aspects of the organization. It is what is known by climate surveys or organizational environment.

Starting with a good diagnosis, the causes can be detected and effective measures taken. Our own model, which integrates the best of others, allows us to measure:

  • ENVIRONMENT: Macro, Stakeholders
  • ORGANIZATION: History, Strategy and Structure, Resources, Ergonomics, Processes and Tools, Organization Hierarchy, My Direct Boss, Objectives and Standards, Positive Reward, Negative Reward
  • TEAM: Information Exchange, Task Cooperation, Trust and Personal Relationship
  • INDIVIDUAL: Individual Satisfaction, Development, Personal Life Balance

Our model has important advantages:

  • It is fully automated and online, to facilitate the management and elaboration of information even in large groups
  • It allows as many groupings and combinations of information as necessary to aggregate the information
  • Model amplitude (more than 150 items available to choose from)
  • Modularity, each company chooses what aspects to ask about

Galadriel’s mirror – Qualitative feedback

In companies we seldom give each other, in a transparent and constructive way, the feedback we need to improve. We don’t have the time, courage or skill it takes.

This is critical in environments and people whose mistakes and weaknesses have a great impact, and are known by all but themselves, hampering their learning and development.

And the most common feedback tools, internal or external, are not enough to discover and recycle the qualitative or delicate information that we all see regarding other people.

Therefore, complementing other tools and initiatives, we have created “Galadriel’s mirror”:

  • Technique to reveal and recycle qualitative non-evident useful essential information
  • Based upon confidential conversations with the person and people in his environment
  • Complementing other HR tools and techniques
  • Aimed at improving individual and collective conscience and development

Synergistic teams




It takes time before the team is formed and starts to be productive. That is why it is advisable to invest in a teambuilding that catalyzes and accelerates the team training process.

Luckily, the team’s creation can be accelerated and improved to be productive as soon as possible through a memorable day, full of experiences, emotions and reflections.

 In it, and with the help of activities and expert facilitators, interpersonal ties and working patterns will be established to allow the team to work as such when it goes back to its reality.

In these situations, we always make a custom design or adaptation of some of our outdoor adventures or indoor experiences. But always with a purpose of learning and improvement, not merely playing, and with a structured work process and facilitators with more than 20 years of experience creating teams.

2x4 team improvement and high performance

In a natural team that is already functioning, you can and must evolve in your work and relationship dynamics to approach your collective potential.  

But any organizational system has a lot of difficulty changing itself. This requires a process, a framework, and a catalyst that allows the team to increase its levels of collective intelligence and effectiveness.

  1. Diagnostics (using a previous online survey), reflected in a detailed report.

  2. Workshops, using team coaching techniques and learning experiences, the team will agree on its current and desired situation and work on the  attitudes and essential elements for its proper functioning.
  3. Concrete action plans for improvement will also be established and further coaching  can be arranged for effective implementation. The result will be a team not only improved, but able to learn and improve on its own in the future.
  4. Going one step further, we can facilitate the development of high-performance teams.
Synergistic personal diversity with Big Five

Our personalities greatly influence the dynamics of work and efficiency of teams.

 From the in-depth knowledge of oneself and others (using the Big Five personality model) we will be able to successfully interact with other people (colleagues, customers, collaborators, family members…), with less wear and more effectiveness.

The program includes:

  1. Online personality test, and individual report.  
  2. Face-to-face workshop: different personality types, their  implications  for individual work and teamwork, and how to cooperate with each of them.
  3. We will also design strategies to adapt to various people when we return to our reality.

This program is complementary with others of teambuilding or improvement.

Direction to success - Management teams and better strategic decisions

Management teams have certain specific characteristics and difficulties, and they often find it difficult to function as a team and not just as a group of individually brilliant managers.

That’s why we work with and for them differently, providing an external vision and methodologies that catalyze their full potential and generate a high impact on the company, its people and its business.

Thus, it is necessary to address their improvement as a team with the combination of methodologies most appropriate to each case: team coaching / individual, 360º diagnosis, outdoor training, high performance teams, etc. and with consultants experts in this type of collectives.

 Once constituted as a functional team, managers have to make strategic decisions. In an uncertain, changing world, with ill-defined problems and imperfect information, full decision-making success can never be guaranteed.  

Traditional decision-making techniques are of little help in such circumstances. So, how to improve the process and habits of managers when making strategic decisions to make them likely to succeed?

We accompany managers who have to make key decisions, either individually or as a team, not to tell them what to decide in a specific situation but to ensure that they follow rational and effective processes in their autonomous decision-making.










The Zen company

 Today there are many stressed organizations, in which people work too much and burn out, there is permanent anxiety, but also many inefficiencies and waste of resources and time.

This way of working is apparently productive, but it really isn’t. Seeking to optimize short-term financial results we damage the company as a whole and its long-term participants. But the problem has no easy solution from within, as it is invisible, involuntary, systemic, and recurrent.

“The Zen company” is a philosophy and methodology to improve the operation of companies. It seeks to restore harmony and consistency in the company, not only to improve the quality of life of the people who compose it, but also to generate better long-term results with less stress.

For this purpose, various techniques of systemic coaching of teams and companies, change management, consulting, etc. are used.

 Our work process is as follows:

  1. Make the company and its key people aware of their situation and involve them in the process
  2. Eliminate the scarcity of time and resources, selecting a few very relevant things and generating quick resource savings.
  3. Generate abundance by investing the resources released wisely.
  4. Re-align the process, making the organization smarter

This will bring you greater harmony, greater efficiency in the use of resources, better quality of life, and better long-term results.



Systemic implementation of strategy, values and cultural change

 The culture and values of a collective determine the actions of its members perhaps as much as formal rules, procedures and hierarchy.

More and more organizations realize the importance of bringing down to everyday decisions and behaviors these intangibles. However, most companies fail (90%) in an attempt to change these kinds of intangibles.

The main challenge is to get people to know, understand, share, and truly commit to change.

This requires a systemic approach:

  1. Analyze current culture, values, strategy and situation
  2. Define and agree on the desired result with management and relevant stakeholders
  3. Harmonize and make coherent other elements (strategy, processes, etc.) that interact, and that can determine their success or failure
  4. Raising awareness, communicating and managing people’s acceptance of change
  5. Establish mechanisms to prevent involution  and ensure coherence and progress of change
The ReviTalent generic leadership skills model

There are certain behaviors that organizations consider valuable or desirable to develop in their managers, and most of them appear to be common. At ReviTalent, after analyzing dozens of competency and skill models, we have synthesized a model with over 500 behaviors grouped into 24 generic management skills.

They are structured across two axes: the leader’s playgrounds (self management, others and tasks) vs. phases of the management process (understand, decide and execute). The model is broad, deep and tremendously powerful as a basis for managing all HR development policies 

(selection, training, evaluation, etc.).

The modular approach allows for multiple combinations and itineraries, but we propose the following units to group skills according to didactic criteria:


Talent organization

Talent is not something that simply happens in an organization, it needs to be managed in the medium and long term. This requires tools and systems to get the best out of people:

  • Definition of dictionaries and competency profiles: The best employees in an organization or in one position do some different things than the rest, beyond fulfilling their functions. How to describe, systematize and adapt them to different positions?
  • Advice / design of people management policies: We propose our help to design / implement / communicate / advise on policies, processes and management tools of people that facilitate the implementation of HR and company strategies.
  • Long-term talent management (high potentials, careers, successions…): We help to proactively manage talent. From strategic development design to concreteness in training actions, from an individual itinerary to company-wide plans.
  • Performance management and objectives: The processes, tools and IT systems to manage performance are necessary but not sufficient. Relationship with other HR policies such as retribution is also important. But the key to making all these systems useful to the business and motivation is often in “soft” aspects such as the culture of the organization, or the leadership skills of the leaders’ people, such as setting good goals, or giving constructive feedback.  That’s  why   we propose  a holistic approach.  

Do you want more information?

Download our detailed dossier in pdf or contact us at info@revitalent.com

Success case

Situation: Extended management committee (50 people) of a food multinational that wants to relaunch the company after the crisis.

Solution: Conference on Shackleton and leadership in crisis situations.

Result: High involvement, rich debate among managers and congratulations from the CEO.

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