Why you should have a good onboarding program for your new employees

A customer and friend of mine recently asked me to review his onboarding policies.

Diversity and Inclusion – the employee lifecycle perspectives : FUJITSU  BLOG - Global
Employee’s life cycle

In the employee’s life cycle, onboarding is one of the most critical and fragile moments. Depending on wether we do it right or not, we can either have a happy and productive employee a.s.a.p. or lose him from the beginning and restart the hiring process in a few months, wasting everybody’s time and resources.

One of my suggestions was: you don’t just have to establish a good procedure from HR and document it, first and foremost you need your managers to buy in the importance (for themselves, for the new employee and for the company) of a good onboarding.

The key for any HR policy is always the managers who have to implement it. They need to want it, otherwise they’ll do the bare minimum to comply and keep «doing their work» (as if their work was not about managing people).

Onboarding Key to Retaining, Engaging Talent

So here’s some of the «ammunition» we’ve compiled in order to prove the point. I hope it is also useful for our readers.


If you want to know more:





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