Do monkeys have a moral compass?

Morality in societies seems to be one of these subjects in which everybody has opinions but few people have scientific explanations.

  • Why do monkey groups and mafia gangs behave so similarly?
  • Why do many groups find moral to steal or attack foreigners but protect people in their group?
  • Why do we prefer to be rewarded fairly than to be rewarded more? Why do we desire justice over our own interests?
  • Why do monkeys and many social animals share the same moral framework?
  • Are there underlying biological mechanisms in social animals that determine what we socially consider good or bad?
  • What evolutionary explanation exists for morality in groups and what is the role of genes?
  • Is it the basement for ethics, values and culture in human societies and companies?

Watch this very interesting video and try to learn about ourselves by looking at the reflection of our cousins in the mirror.

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