How the HR Monster Destroyed the Workplace: The Woke Mission Creep of Human Resources Departments

Today I bring a polemic interview, in which Telegraph columnist Juliet Samuel joins Peter Whittle to discuss how mission creep has turned the once humdrum human resources department into an ultra-woke, bureaucratic beast.

Regardless of the interview, what shock me the most are the comments of thousands of people complaining about HR under the video. Maybe we, HR professionals, should look at ourselves in their mirror and remember our purpose? Maybe we should stand up against nonsense that make organizations worse for most stakeholders?

Some related posts:

El secreto de los mejores departamentos de Recursos Humanos

‘Generación Woke’: las raíces de un nuevo puritanismo

Políticas vanguardistas de RRHH – Entrevista a José Amoretti ING (parte 1)

Políticas vanguardistas de RRHH – Entrevista a José Amoretti ING (parte 2)

Diversidad diversa y libre, no la que nos imponen

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