Interviews are NOT the right way to hire people (y algo de humor)

Peterson questioning common wisdom again, and with good arguments. Here are some of the polemic issues he brings into discussion: Todo en Juegos, animaciones, chistes y humor - 100  respuestas a una entrevista de trabajo
  • Intelligence and consciousness are the two main predictors of future performance, but only partially
  • Interviews are not a good selection method (he doesn’t make a difference between traditional ones and BEI’s)… unless you want to select for tall, handsome, extroverted, agreeable people, irrespective of what the job actually needs
  • Academic marks doesn’t predict job performance very well
  • Appointing incompetent managers have a huge effect on themselves, the company and their team
  • Human resources people…aren’t necessarily the most competent people in the company (with the exception of my readers) 😉
  • Not all individual differences can be solved with training
  • Corporations don’t want accurate and valid selection methods, even when offered scientific evidence

And here’s some more food for thought, critizising some commonly accepted HR tools.

What do you think?

Y de propina, algo de humor sobre este espinoso tema. 🙂

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