Ricardo Semler’s 10 radical rules for success

Ricardo Semler is one of the revolutionary unconventional leaders that have proven that giving freedom and responsibility (instead of fear and control) to people is the way to success.

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You may remember that we’ve already recommended the book «Radical / Maverick» by Ricardo Semler (you’ll love this post with his Ted talk «How to run a company with almost no rules«).  Today we bring you a more personal and deeper interview, in which he summarizes his 10 rules for success:

  1. Free yourself
  2. Manage the issue of ego
  3. Find your definition of success
  4. Share as you go
  5. Let go of the past
  6. Do the things that interest you
  7. Have the courage now
  8. Give up control
  9. Know your limitations
  10. Ask 3 whys in a row

They may seem common sense, but this video is really worth your time, trust me.

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