Self sabotage and your own shadow

When I work with Coaching clients, it takes some thinking to define good goals, understand reality and set coherent actions and habits to get there. But that’s the easy part. The real challenge is to walk the talk.

Very often, in the next session they feel guilty or angry with themselves because they sabotaged themselves. It is not that their environment conspired against them, but when they try to realize what they consciously chose, they experience amnesia of their plans, fear, loss of energy or attention, fatigue, involuntary actions or even physical pain.

They somehow fight themselves in a battle that they cannot win. Either they drag themselves to do what they wanted with an enormous willpower (which will not last long) or they give up. The result is guilt, frustration, and being stuck in the same situation, but more feeling worse about themselves.

For them, it is a relief to learn that there’s a psycological explanation for that self-sabotage: «the shadow», a concept developed by Jung. It is the part of your unconscious mind where you repress the mini-personalities that your ego doesn’t want to see.

I’ve selected these videos for my coaching clients, and today I want to share them with all the readers of this blog. And also with their shadows. 😉

Expect a good explanation of self-sabotage, the concept of the shadow, and some advice to integrate it and achieve all your goals (also those you don’t want to admit).

Besides, Jordan Peterson’s explanation on «persona», «shadow» and other interesting ideas.

Very often, just by understanding and having a dialogue /negotiation with their shadow, my clients are able to get in terms with it and move forward.

But if what’s in their shadow is a trauma or something deeper they should see a therapist, not a coach. As an example, here is a deeper conversation, with therapy examples.

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