The Pygmalion effect, and why it is important for leaders, trainers and parents

If you are in any position of authority or influence, be very careful about your beliefs and your communication. Whatever you think about other people, you’ll unconsciously make them fulfill your profecy.

To understand why, here’s a good and visual explanation of the Pygmalion effect, and the power of our beliefs on other people, and even on animals!

So if you are a leader, coach, parent, couple, friend, etc. and you want to encourage the best in your people, always:

  • Start by assuming the best
  • Communicate your good expectations and show confidence
  • If you have to critizice the other person’s behaviour, always make sure that he knows you still like the person and believe in his potential
  • Recognize and reward any progress, specially the first steps
  • Lead by love, not by fear
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