Unconventional thinking – Interview with Seth Godin

A great interview to the guru Seth Godin, by Lewis Howes (Greatness Clips), about decision-making, talent and skill, innovation, goals and habits, etc.

I don’t agree on everything he says, but sure he does provide some food for thought:

  • What is the difference between talent and skill? Why you should not
  • Why do we make bad decisions because of the «sunk cost»?
  • Why did Tesla innovate better than all the automakers, and why it is doomed not to do so again?
  • Why should we avoid reassurance from others?
  • Why should we focus on the practice and not on the result?
  • Can a creative person get rich? How to do it?
  • Should we use «deadlines» to get things done?
  • What is the difference between internal goals and external outcomes?
  • What is the difference between «but» and «and» and how it can impact your ability to deal with difficult situations?
  • How to master any activity and make part of your identity?

What do you think? 😉

If you want a longer version, here it is:

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