Understanding sex, agression, hierarchy, etc. from an evolutionary psicology perspective

This interview is mind-boggling and gives new evolutionary perspectives on many important issues that we all care about as humans, but which are so often misunderstood. It’s really worth your time!

  • Why are many humans monogamous?
  • What are the personality differences between men and women? How do they attack others and look for dominance?
  • Why are men generally more physically aggressive, wealthier, and less agreeable than women? What does sexual selection by women has to do with it?
  • Does patriarchy explain the differences between sexes?
  • What is the main misunderstanding when we critizice hierarchies? What is the difference between dominance hierarchies and competence ones?

Dr. Jordan Peterson interviews Dr. David Buss about his groundbreaking work in evolutionary psychology. Their conversation forays into human mating practices & strategies, female preferences, dominance hierarchies, (fe)male aggression, emotional regulation & status, the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy), inherent inequality, and much more.

[00:00] Intro [02:09] Career Background [06:50] Human Mating Strategies [09:18] Patriarchy & Mating [10:52] Female Preferences & Resource Acquisition [14:54] Sexual Selection Theory: An Overview [25:23] Patriarchy: Origins [27:36] (Dominance) Hierarchies [40:20] Women & the Dark Triad (Narcissism, Machiavelianism, & Psychopathy) [57:59] Attention & (Fe)male Selection [01:04:24] Violence [01:07:47] Emotional Regulation & Status [01:13:59] Disturbing Ethical Conclusions [01:20:25] (Fe)male Aggression [01:23:29] Monogamy & Violence [01:28:30] Inequality [01:33:40] Why Strategies Differ [01:42:45] Outro

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