The Intellectual Dark Web

I watch less and less TV. I find it shallow, boring, manipulative, slow, and narrow-minded.

Lately I’ve found some independent uncommon free-thinkers, which, of course, called my attention and made me think (regardless of my degree of agreement with them). One of them is Jordan Peterson (Jordan B. Peterson vs. political correctness,   What you never understood about men, women and relationships: personality traits)

These thinkers have different (even wrong) ideas, but they are ready to disagree with the mainstream and argue their ideas rationally. Now I’ve found that they are grouping in what is called «The Intellectual Dark Web«.

If you are an independent thinker, you’ll probably enjoy this extremely interesting interview to Eric Weinstein.

It may be worth some of your time. Or you can turn on your TV and turn off your brain.

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