The neuroscience of intelligence

Everybody likes to talk about intelligence. It is a controversial issue. All kinds of theories have been sold on the base of its criticism: emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences, competencies, etc. Not that they lack some interest, but most of us (both profane and self proclamed «professionals») have an opinion, often without even understanding the science behind the theory of intelligence.

Given that intelligence is probabilisticly genetic and unevenly distributed, there is also a political, social and ideological discussion regarding intelligence that has contaminated the science and the HR management.

So, if you work with humans, if you develop, select or manage them, you’d better listen to two expert scientists (Jordan Peterson and Richard Haier) talk about it. You won’t become more intelligent, but at least wiser. 😉

You can expect to learn about these questions and more: Is the «intelligence» construct more solid of other psycological concepts? Is it predictive of success (and failure) in life and work? Can intelligence be improved with educational interventions? Is there a common intelligence or are there several types? Does neuroscience confirm or deny the psycological beliefts about intelligence? How does the brain actually work? What do studies in animals tell us about intelligence? Can intelligence be measured with brain scans? Can we externally estimulate the brain to improve reasoning ability and mood in humans? What can we do to preserve intelligence as we get old?

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Esta entrada fue publicada en Entrevistas, Medición y diagnóstico, Organización del talento, Reflexiones e ideas, Videos. Guarda el enlace permanente.